Gunslinger Spawn Title Change

Gunslinger Spawn Title Change

How we determine a comics title is based on the indicia.

The indicia will spell the title and provide the issue number. Some indicia's will also say Volumes but we don't use the Volumes. Instead we use the year that the first issue was released with the specific spelling of the title.

For example, Gunslinger Spawn (2021) #1 has the following written in it's Indicia:

"Gunslinger Spawn #1. October 2021. First Printing...."

The release date for Gunslinger Spawn #1 was October 20th, 2021.

So the title we use is Gunslinger Spawn (2021) #1

Recently, the cover of Gunslinger Spawn #21 dropped Spawn from the title and was just going by Gunslinger.

We checked and began to notice that the indicia for the title was actually changed as far back as issue #8. It might go back even farther but we currently do not have any of those in stock to verify.

Gunslinger Spawn #8 was released May 25th, 2022. The indicia says Gunslinger #8. May 2022. First Printing..."

So going forward we will be using Gunslinger (2022) as the series title.

We will make this correction as we receive new copies or back issues of the series.

This is how we handle the titles for all comics going forward.

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