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Dynamite Entertainment

Sweetie Candy Vigilante Volume 2 #6 Cover B Burden (Mature)

Sweetie Candy Vigilante Volume 2 #6 Cover B Burden (Mature)


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You betta' watch out! You betta' not cry! Betta' save the date! Why?... This December, SWEETIE is hosting an exclusive INVITE-ONLY CHRISTMAS PARTY! Let the North Star guide you to her newly pepper-minted "Fortress of Sweetness" headquarters on Sweetie Candy Vigilante Islands to join Pixie Stix, Candy Wolf, Gummee Bear, Tinsel, and the rest of the sweet squad for the festivities. The guest list is a mind-blowing who's who from the world of the immortals, including THE GREAT PUMPKIN (who rises out of the pumpkin patch each All Hallows Eve), Candy Wolf's EX - yep, you guessed it, "Little Red" herself - and even all nine of Santa's star reindeer! Jingle, Jingle, Jingle! SLAY BELLS will ring, and because you've all been EXTRA-GOOD this year, as promised and hinted at throughout the series, CANDY WOLF will finally spill the SWEET tea on the backstory between SWEETIE and the North Pole's Boss "Nic," famously known as SANTA! Is he as "saintly" as he's been fabled? Was Sweetie once chosen to join the ranks of team North Pole? Did she take issue with Nic's buddy Krampus? And what was that odd little Elf Santa had gifted to Sweetie really up to while sitting on her shelf all day? Knock back the eggnog with Peter Cottontail and Jack Rabbit (who've already had one too many) and pull up a cozy chair alongside the yule log fire for the bitter-SWEET Christmas story in this special holiday-themed issue closing out the year AND Volume 2 of Sweetie Candy Vigilante! This issue's one-off, self-contained storyline is an excellent opportunity for anyone new to the series to jump in and experience first-hand what all the buzz is about, while at the same time it will satisfy the sweet tooth of any steady "candy vigilante" craving more from Sweetie and her unique world of candy-coated carnage! Choose from four fantastic covers, including a very special entry (Cover B) illustrated by legendary indie comics creator and artistic icon BOB BURDEN! Universes collide as his cult-classic antihero FLAMING CARROT makes a SPECIAL APPEARANCE, TEAMING WITH SWEETIE in the first Flaming Carrot crossover since his team-up with the world-famous Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles three decades ago! Don't miss a sweet beat - order now and guarantee a copy under your tree this December! Includes a FREE MP3 download of "THE LAND OF HATCHY MILATCHY," the new single by OSAKA POPSTAR recorded specifically for this series. Look for the ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEO STARRING SWEETIE and the CANDY VIGILANTE squad - coming in fall 2024!

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How To Subscribe/Pre-Order

Subscribing to comics on the website is easy, there's a few options you'll have to get to the things you want to subscribe to (for recurring series) or pre-order.

This brief video will show you some of the things you can do on Manage Comics.

Step by step instructions

You can navigate the site through a few different ways including publisher, type, or search.

Browse by Type

The website shows products by type based on what the store is able to order through their distributors.

Browse by Publisher

This lets you browse through the comics by publisher and drill down. We also showcase the most recent previews here which will include the monthly lists from all publishers.

Publisher listings

The publisher pages show all of the titles currently available to subscribe or pre-order.

Title Page

Clicking through an individual title will take you to that title's page.  On the title page you have the ability to subscribe to a specific cover, and see the covers to upcoming issues (where available).

How To Login

To log in to your subscription account, you will need to log in to the store account.

If you already have an account, you just click Login, enter your email and password, and enjoy!

If you don't have an account already it may have been migrated from another system (Manage Comics Classic, or another system).

We've built a short video to show you how logging in works.

Step by Step instructions

Option 1: Try to Log in to the store:

If you have ever logged in to the Shopify store, you can use the regular log in box to log in to this store.

If you have never logged in to the store before, skip to Option 2.

Enter your username and password if you have ever purchased something from the store.  This will log you in to the store, and you'll be able to continue along with your Manage Comics account.

If you get a message like "Incorrect email or password", you may have an account that has not been registered yet.  Skip to Option 2. 

If this works, you have an account, congratulations! 

Option 2: Create an account

If your email address exists, you will get a message like this:

If you check your email, you will find something like this:

Click Activate your account, and you will be set up.

If you get a message saying this email address is already associated with an account:

What to do if you see this message:

  • This email address is already associated with an account. If this account is yours, you can reset your password

Reset your Password:

Go to the website's account screen, and click Forgot Password.

Fill in your email address, and click "Reset Password".

Step 3: Wait until the email comes, and click the Reset Your Password.

Step 5: Log in with reset password (not shown).
Step 6: click Subscriptions, then see My Subscriptions.

Subscribe To Series

Our shop's products now have "Subscribe to Series" buttons.

You'll be able to subscribe to a series from anywhere in our store's site.

Once you're logged in to our store with an account, you'll begin to see "Subscribe" buttons next to active series (comics, TPBs, hardcovers and manga).

That link takes you to the Manage Comics subscription page in the store for that series.

From there you can choose the cover to subscribe to, and select the number of copies, as well as see upcoming issues.

You can also find series through the Subscriptions link on our store's site.

From there you'll be able to find thousands of products for subscription and pre-order.

Subscriptions, Pre-Orders, and Pulls

The "My Subscriptions" page is where all of the things related to your collecting will live.

You'll find your ongoing subscriptions, your Pre-Orders (one off things like a Hardcover or a T-Shirt), and your previously Pulled Orders.

My Subscriptions

This tab lists your subscriptions, the cover variant you are signed up for, and the next issue that is expected.  Clicking through to any item will bring you to the title page where you can find out shipping date and other information.

Pulled Orders

This tab will show you orders that have been pulled for you in the past.

Billed Orders

This will show you anything that is ready to be paid, along with the link to pay for your orders.


Shipping Preferences

Lets you change your shipping preferences based off of what the store offers.

Browse By Dates

You can browse by either new release or FOC dates.  New release browsing lets you see what was released on any given week.  This is just a list of everything that was offered, and not a listing of what the store has in stock.

You can also browse by FOC date.  FOC's are "Final Order Cutoff" and it's a system that is in place to ensure a store can order enough copies of a comic, it usually is set about 3 weeks before release date.

All titles in the subscription lists must be ordered before the FOC cutoff to ensure that your store is able to get copies for you.