Juggernaut Bd. 3 # 4
Marvel Comics
Juggernaut Bd. 3 # 4 €3,95
(W) Fabian Nicieza (A) Ron Garney (CA) Geoff Shaw NIEDERSCHLAGEN, HERAUSZIEHEN! Ausnahmsweise macht sich Juggernaut um etwas anderes Sorgen als um sich selbst. Es ist nicht einfach, es ist nicht das, was er gewohnt ist ... aber D-Cell zählt auf ihn. Versuchen Sie, ihn davon abzuhalten, zu helfen. Bewertet mit T+ Im Handel: 09.12.2020
Spider-Man Vol. 5 #5
Marvel Comics
Spider-Man Vol. 5 #5 €3,95
(W) JJ Abrams, Henry Abrams (A) Sara Pichelli (CA) Olivier Coipel • Ben Parker und sein Vater werden in die Enge getrieben und sicherlich geschlagen. • Ihre Verbündeten, von denen sie dachten, dass sie ihnen helfen könnten, waren nicht genug. • Der Sohn von Mary Jane und Spider-Man hat einen aussichtslosen Kampf vor sich ... haben ihm sein abwesender Vater und seine tote Mutter genug beigebracht, um zu wissen, was Spider-Man in solchen Situationen tut? Bewertet mit T Im Handel: 09.12.2020
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol. 6 #112
IDW Publishing
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol. 6 #112 €3,95
(W) Sophie Campbell (A/CA) Jodie Nishijima Michelangelo geht in den Äther, während die Spannungen in Mutant Town wachsen! Neue Mutanten haben sowohl mit den Turtles als auch mit den Mutanimals Beschwerden, da beide Gruppen für die Zukunft planen. Außerdem kehrt Casey Jones zurück! Im Handel: 09.12.2020
Naschkatzen: Die Rückkehr Nr. 2
DC Comics
Naschkatzen: Die Rückkehr Nr. 2 €3,95
(W/A/CA) Jeff Lemire Vater ist nicht sehr glücklich mit dem Jungen. Der Junge hätte auf Vater hören sollen. Sicherlich muss jeder Junge spielen, rennen und wild sein ... aber der Junge kann niemals frei sein ... nicht wirklich. Jetzt hat der Junge etwas ganz Schlimmes getan und Vater sehr unglücklich gemacht. Gehen Sie auf Ihr Zimmer, junger Mann! Aber die Zimmer hier sind sehr klein und dunkel und kalt, und der Junge ist nicht sehr glücklich darin. Niemand ist glücklich. Aber manchmal kann auch aus einer schlechten Zeit etwas Besonderes und Unerwartetes erblühen. Reife Leser Im Geschäft: 08.12.2020
Justice League Vol. 4 #58
DC Comics
Justice League Vol. 4 #58 €3,95
(W) Andy Lanning, Ron Marz (A) Germanisch, Marco Santucci (CA) Francis Manapul Endloser Winter, Kapitel fünf! In dieser Wendepunktausgabe ist die Justice League über den schneebedeckten Globus verstreut und versucht, den gefrorenen Untergang abzuwehren, während Green Lantern John Stewart allein dasteht. In der Halle der Gerechtigkeit beginnt er, Hinweise zusammenzufügen, die helfen könnten, die eisige Flut zu wenden, die droht, sie alle zu überwältigen. Doch dann kommt wie aufs Stichwort ein unerwarteter Besucher: der Frostkönig höchstpersönlich! In der Vergangenheit werden Königin Hippolyta, Swamp Thing und Viking Prince jedoch Zeugen einer schrecklichen Entscheidung von Black Adam – einer, die sie für immer verfolgen wird. Im Geschäft: 15.12.2020
X-Force Vol. 6 #15
Marvel Comics
X-Force Vol. 6 #15 €3,95
(W) Ben Percy (A/CA) Joshua Cassara ERBROCHENES VERTRAUEN! Omega Red birgt ein tödliches Geheimnis und X-Force muss möglicherweise eine Grenze überschreiten, um Krakoa zu schützen. Aber nichts ist vergleichbar mit dem Vertrauen, das durch das Verhör eines der ihren gebrochen wird. Elternberatung Im Handel: 16. Dezember 2020
Power Ranger Nr. 2
Boom! Studios
Power Ranger Nr. 2 €3,95
(W) Ryan Parrott (A) Francesco Mortarino (CA) Matteo Scalera * Zwei neue Serien. Zwei neue Teams. Die UNBEGRENZTE POWER-ÄRA geht weiter, während die Power Rangers Zordon verraten! * Eine neue kosmische Bedrohung ist da und das brandneue Power Rangers-Team wird alles aufs Spiel setzen, um sie zu stoppen, auch wenn es bedeutet, ihrem Todfeind Lord Drakkon zu vertrauen. * Aber während die neue Bedrohung ihre erste Offensive gegen die Power Rangers startet, bleibt die Frage – wird Drakkon als Freund oder Feind agieren? * Immerhin hat Drakkon immer einen Plan ... Im Handel: 16. Dezember 2020
Batman Bd. 3 Jährlich Nr. 5
DC Comics
Batman Bd. 3 Jährlich Nr. 5 €3,95
(W) James Tynion IV (A) James Stokoe (CA) Derrick Chew Der fesselnde neue Bürgerwehrmann namens Clownhunter war ein Star aus „The Joker War“ – aber was ist der tragische Ursprung dieses jugendlichen Attentäters? Wie starben seine Eltern durch die Hände von The Joker und gibt es einen Platz für ihn in der sich entwickelnden Gotham City? Kann es eine Erlösung für den berüchtigten Clownhunter geben? Diese epische Geschichte vereint den Schriftsteller James Tynion IV und den Künstler James Stokoe, die Geschichtenerzähler hinter der definitiven Clownhunter-Geschichte aus Batman: The Joker War Zone #1! Im Geschäft: 29.12.2020
Black Adam: Endloses Winter-Special Nr. 1
DC Comics
Black Adam: Endloses Winter-Special Nr. 1 €3,95
One-Shot (W) Andy Lanning, Ron Marz (A) Brandon Peterson, Marco Santucci (CA) Dale Eaglesham Endloser Winter, Kapitel acht! Um den Platz seiner Nation in der Welt zu stärken, kommt Black Adam in Gotham City an und fordert Maßnahmen, um die Bedrohung zu beenden, die einen endlosen Winter auf der ganzen Welt verursacht. Aber Black Adam erzählt den Führern der Welt nicht alles – vor allem nicht, dass er schon einmal gegen den mysteriösen Frostkönig angetreten ist und gewonnen hat. Finden Sie heraus, was Adam im vorletzten Kapitel von „Endless Winter“ verbirgt. Im Geschäft: 22.12.2020
Justice League: Endloser Winter #2
DC Comics
Justice League: Endloser Winter #2 €2,95
(W) Andy Lanning, Ron Marz (A) Howard Porter, Carmine Di Giandomenico, Marco Santucci (CA) Mikel Janin Endloser Winter, Kapitel 9! Das ist es – das letzte Kapitel des fünfwöchigen Crossovers der Justice League mit neun Ausgaben! Nachdem die Herkunft des Frostkönigs aufgedeckt wurde, muss die Justice League die Fehler der Vergangenheit sowie den globalen Frost bekämpfen, der jetzt die gesamte Bevölkerung bedroht. Diese Ausgabe ist voller Charaktere und Action, wenn Superman gegen Black Adam kämpft, während Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Flash, Green Lantern, Queen Hippolyta und Swamp Thing dem Frostkönig und seiner monströsen Armee gegenüberstehen! Die ganze Welt schaut zu und die Justice League muss eine Entscheidung treffen. Im Geschäft: 29.12.2020
Detektiv-Comics Vol. 3 #1033
DC Comics
Detektiv-Comics Vol. 3 #1033 €3,95
(W) Peter J. Tomasi (A/CA) Brad Walker, Andrew Hennessy Am Vorabend einiger der größten Veränderungen in Gotham City findet sich Batman an einem Scheideweg mit den Menschen der Stadt wieder, die er zu beschützen geschworen hat. Ein erdrutschartiger Sieg des Anti-Bürgermeisterkandidaten Christopher Nakano bringt neue Gesetze mit sich, um die Lebensweise der Fledermaus-Familie zu verbieten – und da seine Schurkengalerie immer noch an seine Tür klopft, muss Bruce einige schwierige Entscheidungen über die Zukunft treffen ... Im Geschäft: 22.12.2020
Action-Comics Bd. 3 #1028
DC Comics
Action-Comics Bd. 3 #1028 €3,95
(W) Brian Michael Bendis (A/CA) John Romita Jr., Klaus Janson Das leistungsstarke Kreativteam von Brian Michael Bendis, John Romita Jr. und Klaus Janson beendet seinen Run auf Action-Comics mit „House of Kent: Epilogue!“. Nachdem das endgültige Schicksal der Unterwelt von Metropolis endlich enthüllt wurde, ist es an der Zeit, dass sich alle Mitglieder des Hauses Kent ihrer unbekannten Zukunft stellen, einschließlich Lois, Conner, Jon, Kara, Jimmy und natürlich Clark Kent! Diese eigenständige Superman-Geschichte verbindet Fäden von Supermans Kumpel Jimmy Olsen, Lois Lane, Superman, Justice League, Legion of Super-Heroes und anderen unvergesslichen Serien auf epische – und unerwartete – Weise! Im Geschäft: 22.12.2020
Meister Band 1 #5
Marvel Comics
Meister Band 1 #5 €3,95
Miniserie: 5 von 5 (W) Peter David (A) Deutscher Peralta (A/CA) Dale Keown DIE LETZTE NOTE IN EINER SYMPHONIE, DIE JAHRE ENTSTEHT! Der Hulk ist tot – lang lebe der Maestro! Aber das ist kein Gute-Nacht-Schlaflied. Es ist Nonstop-Action in Peter-David-Manier, als die Geheimnisse hinter Future Imperfect endlich ans Licht kommen! Bewertet mit T+ Im Handel: 23. Dezember 2020
XO Manowar Vol. 4 # 3
Valiant Entertainment LLC
XO Manowar Vol. 4 # 3 €3,95
(W) Dennis „Hopeless“ Hallum (A) Emilio Laiso (CA) Christian Ward Wer würde in einem Kampf gewinnen: XO Manowar oder ein aus Lava geformtes kybernetisches Tech-Monster? Wird Aric die XO-Rüstung an einen neuen Verbündeten übergeben, um eine Katastrophe zu verhindern? Im Handel: 23. Dezember 2020 Cover A von Christian Ward
Meister Vol. 1 #5B
Marvel Comics
Meister Vol. 1 #5B €3,95
Miniserie: 5 von 5 (W) Peter David (A) German Peralta, Dale Keown (CA) Becky Cloonan DIE LETZTE NOTE IN EINER SYMPHONIE, DIE JAHRE ENTSTEHT! Der Hulk ist tot – lang lebe der Maestro! Aber das ist kein Gute-Nacht-Schlaflied. Es ist Nonstop-Action in Peter-David-Manier, als die Geheimnisse hinter Future Imperfect endlich ans Licht kommen! Bewertet mit T+ Im Handel: 23. Dezember 2020
Aufgehende Sterne: Hell #2
Image Comics
Aufgehende Sterne: Hell #2 €1,95
Sehr schön (8,0) (W) Fiona Avery (A) Dan Jürgens Matthew Bright lebt immer noch unter dem angenommenen Namen Brendan Miller und schließt enge Freundschaften mit Frank und Jess im Revier, als ein neuer Fall eines Serienmörders im NYPD ausbricht. Matt nimmt sich den Fall wirklich zu Herzen, als er herausfindet, dass der Serienmörder Specials im Sinn hat, wenn er in den Straßen eines Vororts von New York ein neues Gemetzel anrichtet. Im zweiten Teil von drei Ausgaben soll Matthews geheime Identität als Brendan Miller ihm entrissen und seine wahre Natur als Special enthüllt werden. Im Handel: 26. März 2003 Miniserie
The Avengers Bd. 8 #40
Marvel Comics
The Avengers Bd. 8 #40 €3,95
(W) Jason Aaron (A) Javi Garron (CA) Leinil Francis Yu BETRITT DEN PHÖNIX! Der berüchtigte Feuervogel der kosmischen Zerstörung und Wiedergeburt, bekannt als die Phoenix Force, ist zur Erde zurückgekehrt, um einen neuen Avatar zu finden. Jetzt werden die Avengers und einige der mächtigsten Helden und Schurken im Marvel-Universum zu einem Wettbewerb gerufen, den sie noch nie gesehen haben. Ein weltumspannender Kampf, der sie alle verändern und letztendlich entscheiden wird ... wer der brandneue Phönix sein wird. Bewertet mit T+ Im Handel: 30. Dezember 2020
Batman (2016) #92B SIGNED by James Tynion IV
DC Comics
Batman Bd. 3 #92B SIGNIERT €20,95
(W) James Tynion IV (A) Guillem March (CA) Artgerm Der größte Raubüberfall der Geschichte ist in Gotham City im Gange, mit freundlicher Genehmigung des mysteriösen Verbrechermeisters, der als Designer bekannt ist! Batman weiß, was er zu tun hat, aber um die Verschwörung zu stoppen, muss er zuerst der genialsten Todesfalle entkommen, die der Riddler je erfunden hat! Im Handel: 10. Juni 2020 Unterzeichnet von James Tynion IV Stanley \'Artgerm\' Lau Card Stock Variant Cover Echtheitszertifikat für dynamische Kräfte
The Avengers Vol. 8 #40RA
Marvel Comics
The Avengers Vol. 8 #40RA €29,95
(W) Jason Aaron (A) Javi Garron (CA) Leinil Francis Yu ENTER THE PHOENIX! The infamous firebird of cosmic destruction and rebirth known as the Phoenix Force has returned to Earth to find a new avatar. So now the Avengers and some of the most powerful heroes and villains in the Marvel Universe are being called into a competition unlike anything they've ever seen. A globe-spanning battle that will transform them all and ultimately decide...who will be the all-new Phoenix. Rated T+ In Shops: Dec 30, 2020 Retailer Appreciation Joshua Cassara Stormbreakers Variant Cover Limited one per store
Future State: Superman Of Metropolis #1
DC Comics
Future State: Superman Of Metropolis #1 €4,95
(W) Sean Lewis - Brandon Easton (A) John Timms - Cully Hamner - Valentine De Landro (CA) John Timms Before leaving for parts unknown, Clark Kent entrusted Earth’s safety to his son. Now, Jonathan Kent is Superman! Top priority for this new Superman: to protect Metropolis. When a new version of Brainiac attacks, Jon takes drastic measures—which result in the Bottle City of Metropolis! But watch out, Jon, because Supergirl is on her way, and she is not happy with your decision. Meanwhile, in the new bottle city, a new hero has risen. Jake Jordan, the former Manhattan Guardian, came to the City of Tomorrow to start over. But he’s not the only one who wants a new beginning. An anarchist calling herself Honest Mary sees this time of trouble as an opportunity for rebirth—and she’ll tear down the entire city to prove her point. Does Jake have what it takes to save his new home from disasters both inside and out of the bottle? Superman’s former pal Jimmy Olsen is going to make sure he does! Finally, the current Mister Miracle, Shilo Norman, is also in the bottle, and he’s looking for a way out! He’d better be careful, though, or he may end up someplace unexpected. It’s a story that continues in Superman: Worlds of War #1! This title is fully returnable at a later date. In-Store: 1/5/2021 Mini-Series: 1 of 2
Future State: Superman Of Metropolis #1C
DC Comics
Future State: Superman Of Metropolis #1C €5,95
(W) Sean Lewis - Brandon Easton (A) John Timms - Cully Hamner - Valentine De Landro Before leaving for parts unknown, Clark Kent entrusted Earth’s safety to his son. Now, Jonathan Kent is Superman! Top priority for this new Superman: to protect Metropolis. When a new version of Brainiac attacks, Jon takes drastic measures—which result in the Bottle City of Metropolis! But watch out, Jon, because Supergirl is on her way, and she is not happy with your decision. Meanwhile, in the new bottle city, a new hero has risen. Jake Jordan, the former Manhattan Guardian, came to the City of Tomorrow to start over. But he’s not the only one who wants a new beginning. An anarchist calling herself Honest Mary sees this time of trouble as an opportunity for rebirth—and she’ll tear down the entire city to prove her point. Does Jake have what it takes to save his new home from disasters both inside and out of the bottle? Superman’s former pal Jimmy Olsen is going to make sure he does! Finally, the current Mister Miracle, Shilo Norman, is also in the bottle, and he’s looking for a way out! He’d better be careful, though, or he may end up someplace unexpected. It’s a story that continues in Superman: Worlds of War #1! This title is fully returnable at a later date. In-Store: 1/5/2021 Mini-Series: 1 of 2 Blank Card Stock Variant Cover
Future State: The Next Batman Vol. 1 #1C
DC Comics
Future State: The Next Batman Vol. 1 #1C €6,95
(W) John Ridley - Brandon Thomas - Paul Jenkins (A) Nick Derington - Sumit Kumar - Jackson Herbert Gotham City has always been dangerous—but now, it’s downright deadly! Following the tragedy of “A-Day,” the mayor allowed the private law enforcement group known as the Magistrate to take over policing so-called mask crime—and that has given rise to a new Dark Knight! What is this mysterious crime fighter’s connection to former Batman weaponeer Lucius Fox? The fight for justice has never been this dangerous! Then, in an new tale of the Outsiders, everything in Gotham City may be under the thumb of the Magistrate—but even members of that totalitarian force know that the outskirts of town are protected by the sword of Katana! Plus, ride with the Arkham Knights on their quest for freedom. Arkham Asylum has been decommissioned, and the Magistrate rules the land with an iron fist and zero tolerance. Now it’s time for the lunatics to take back their town! Follow Croc, Two-Face, Phosphorus, Zsasz, Clayface, and Astrid Arkham as the Arkham Knights raise holy hell on the occupiers of Gotham! This title is fully returnable at a later date. In-Store: 1/5/2021 Mini-Series: 1 of 4 Blank Card Stock Variant Cover
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (2019) #21
Boom! Studios
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (2019) #21 €3,95
Anya has been a key figure in Buffy's life ever since she arrived in Sunnydale, but there's more to the demon's mission and mysterious past than anyone knows! It starts with her secret connection to the Watcher's Council and... the first full appearance of the Slayer who came before Buffy? And the truth behind Anya connects Buffy(s) - yes, plural - in ways no one ever saw coming...
A Man Among Ye Vol. 1 #4
Image Comics
A Man Among Ye Vol. 1 #4 €3,95
(W) Stephanie Phillips (A/CA) Craig Cermak Pirate queens Anne Bonny and Mary Read, along with their all-female crew of buccaneers, are caught between the devil and the deep blue sea as both their former pirate partners and the might of the British Empire close in on them. As the Battle of Nassau rages with cutlasses and cannons, where do the loyalties of Calico Jack Rackham lie? Will Jack be Anne and Mary's savior or their doom. Writer Stephanie Phillips (Butcher of Paris, Heavy Metal) and artist Craig Cermak (Voltron) continue their pirate adventure! In Shops: Jan 13, 2021
Chris Claremont Anniversary Special (2021) #1
Marvel Comics
Chris Claremont Anniversary Special (2021) #1 €3,95
Celebrate Chris Claremont's enormous impact on your favorite Marvel comics of the past five decades with an all-new story! Dani Moonstar is drafted for a mission across time and space for an incredible psychic showdown against the Shadow King-joining forces with characters created and defined by the pen of Chris Claremont! Rated T+
Marauders Vol. 1 #17
Marvel Comics
Marauders Vol. 1 #17 €3,95
(W) Gerry Duggan (A) Matteo Lolli (CA) Russell Dauterman REMATCH! Storm versus Calisto. This time, it's personal. Rated T+ In Shops: Jan 13, 2021
Future State: The Next Batman Vol. 1 #2B
DC Comics
Future State: The Next Batman Vol. 1 #2B €6,95
(W) John Ridley - Vita Ayala - Paula Sevenbergen (A) Laura Braga - Aneke - Emanuela Lupacchino (CA) Francesco Mattina In this second Future State: Batman chapter, wearing a mask in Gotham City is now a crime—and when it’s compounded with murder, it can be a shoot-on-sight offense! Batman is on the trail of a murderous couple but quickly finds that all is not as it seems...and finds himself in the firing line of the Magistrate and their Peacekeepers! The gritty, street-level adventures of the new Dark Knight continue! Also in this issue, Batgirls Cassandra Cain and Stephanie Brown find themselves in a prison where the Magistrate throws heroes and villains alike! What no one knows, though, is that Cassandra was sent there with a mission… And in a story of the Gotham City Sirens, some girls just want to have fun—so what do you do when you find Gotham City in turmoil and overrun by Cybers? You go shopping, of course! Join Catwoman, Poison Ivy, and a new Siren on a gal’s night out. They’re on the town, looking for trouble…and finding it! This title is fully returnable at a later date. In-Store: 1/19/2021 Mini-Series: 2 of 4
Strange Adventures Vol. 4 #8
DC Comics
Strange Adventures Vol. 4 #8 €3,95
(W) Tom King (A/CA) Mitch Gerads The battle against the Pykkts continues! The Justice League—including Green Lantern, Doctor Fate, Batman, the Flash, Superman, and Wonder Woman—has scattered across the Earth, pushing back the marauders wherever they appear. Even Mr. Terrific takes a break from investigating Adam Strange’s alleged war crimes to land a punch or two in their stupid alien faces. But Adam Strange has made his decision: to save Rann at any price—even if that price is the Earth itself! Mature Readers In-Store: 1/26/2021 Maxi-Series: 8 of 12
Future State: Superman Vs Imperious Lex #1
DC Comics
Future State: Superman Vs Imperious Lex #1 €3,95
(W) Mark Russell (A) Steve Pugh (CA) Yanick Paquette Welcome to Lexor, home of the greatest businessman in the Multiverse: Lex Luthor! After years of prosperity, Lex’s utopia is at last ready to join the ranks of the United Planets and promote peace among worlds. However, Lex has never done anything unless he had something to gain from it. What could he be up to this time? Sounds like a job for Superman and his wife Lois Lane, the Earth representative to the U.P.! It’s time the Man of Steel shut down this former Metropolis magnate once and for all!  In-Store: 1/26/2021 Mini-Series: 1 of 3
Future State: Aquaman #1B
DC Comics
Future State: Aquaman #1B €3,95
(W) Brandon Thomas (A) Daniel Sampere (CA) Khary Randolph When Jackson Hyde accepted the mantle of Aquaman, he didn’t expect to also have to mentor Andy Curry, Arthur and Mera’s teen daughter. Nor did he expect that he and Andy would get sucked into the Confluence—an interdimensional nexus that connects distant planets and galaxies through the One Great Ocean. And he certainly didn’t expect to lose Andy in the process of trying to find their way back home. Now Jackson’s not sure how long he’s been stuck in a prison on Neptune (five years?) or how many times he’s tried to escape (200 at least!). But today Jackson saw something in the water that gave him hope for the first time in a long time—and his captors have no idea what he’s got in store for them.  In-Store: 1/26/2021
Future State: Superman Vs Imperious Lex #1B
DC Comics
Future State: Superman Vs Imperious Lex #1B €3,95
(W) Mark Russell (A) Steve Pugh (CA) Simone Di Meo Welcome to Lexor, home of the greatest businessman in the Multiverse: Lex Luthor! After years of prosperity, Lex’s utopia is at last ready to join the ranks of the United Planets and promote peace among worlds. However, Lex has never done anything unless he had something to gain from it. What could he be up to this time? Sounds like a job for Superman and his wife Lois Lane, the Earth representative to the U.P.! It’s time the Man of Steel shut down this former Metropolis magnate once and for all!  In-Store: 1/26/2021 Mini-Series: 1 of 3
The Other History Of The DC Universe Vol. 1 #2B
DC Comics
The Other History Of The DC Universe Vol. 1 #2B €5,95
(W) John Ridley (A) Giuseppe Camuncoli - Andrea Cucchi (CA) Jamal Campbell Before the New Teen Titans, there were the original Teen Titans. In the tumultuous 1970s, in an America that was very different than today but in many ways all too familiar, the trials and tribulations of these young heroes were witnessed by two of DC’s first Black superheroes: Karen Beecher-Duncan, better known as Bumblebee, and Mal Duncan—even if their versions of events are often at odds. And across that decade, they fought for their seats at the Titans’ table while joining the battle against injustice. The long-awaited miniseries written by Academy Award-winning screenwriter John Ridley (12 Years a Slave, Let It Fall) and beautifully illustrated by Giussepi Camuncoli and Andrea Cucchi continues to look at the mythology of the DC Universe as seen through the prism of DC Super Heroes who come from traditionally disenfranchised groups. Mature Readers In-Store: 1/26/2021 Mini-Series: 2 of 5
Future State: Legion Of Super-Heroes #1
DC Comics
Future State: Legion Of Super-Heroes #1 €3,95
(W) Brian Michael Bendis (A/CA) Riley Rossmo Whatever happened to the Legion of Super-Heroes? The team is no more, and the United Planets are in total chaos as one of the Legion’s own has turned on the entire galaxy! Everyone is affected...and not everyone survived! Ultra Boy tries to put the Legion back together to face the future head on! Find out the fates of all your favorite Legionnaires like Shadow Lass, Triplicate Girl, Brainiac Five, and Bouncing Boy. Plus, a shocking twist in the Legion mythology—and a long overdue appearance by the Legion of Substitute Heroes! It’s all here in a truly way-out tale by writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist extraordinaire Riley Rossmo!  In-Store: 1/26/2021 Mini-Series: 1 of 2
Excalibur Vol. 4 #17
Marvel Comics
Excalibur Vol. 4 #17 €3,95
(W) Tini Howard (A) Marcus To (CA) Mahmud Asrar QUEEN ELIZABETH III?!? Opportunities and opportunists. Two heads-of-state seek to restore the state of things. Rated T+ In Shops: Jan 27, 2021
Werewolf By Night Vol. 3 #4
Marvel Comics
Werewolf By Night Vol. 3 #4 €3,95
BLOOD MOON! Trapped by the evil DR. EVE, it might be this WEREWOLF BY NIGHT's last night on earth! RED WOLF and JJ rush to save Jake, but they're going to need help from an unlikely ally. What is the dark secret behind LIFE PHARMACEUTICALS, and once discovered, will anyone survive to tell the tale? Rated T+
The Avengers Vol. 8 #27
Marvel Comics
The Avengers Vol. 8 #27 €3,95
(W) Jason Aaron (A) Mark Morales (A/CA) Ed McGuinness STARBRAND REBORN Part One: RIOT IN THE SPACE PRISON!Artist Ed McGuinness returns for an epic space adventure that takes the Avengers into an alien prison the size of a galaxy, where a mysterious new wielder of the all-powerful Starbrand has suddenly appeared, unleashing cosmic chaos. Good thing the Avengers brought along their newest member, the Black Widow.Rated T+ In Shops: Nov 27, 2019
The Dreaming: Waking Hours #7
DC Comics
The Dreaming: Waking Hours #7 €3,95
(W) G. Willow Wilson (A) Javier Rodriguez (CA) Nick Robles Bleeding out in a hospital bed from a magic wound that will not heal, sorceress Heather After must swing open the gates of reality to find herself a protector…but is she prepared for the deal she’ll have to strike once she finds a champion with the dangerous power she needs? And speaking of dangerous power…what happens when Matthew the Raven catches a glimpse of one of the artifacts Heather’s been hiding away? Mature Readers In-Store: 2/2/2021
Future State: Swamp Thing #2
DC Comics
Future State: Swamp Thing #2 €3,95
(W) Ram V (A/CA) Mike Perkins Humanity strikes back! The shadow of Swamp Thing Supreme stretches across the globe as it has for centuries. The world is at peace, until a rebellious faction of humanity ignites their terrible plan, fueled by Woodrue Wilson’s appetite for power. But Swamp Thing, too, harbors a secret—one he must reveal in order to restore peace to the planet once again. But it will cost him everything he has. In-Store: 2/2/2021
Far Sector #10
DC Comics
Far Sector #10 €3,95
(W) N.K. Jemisin (A/CA) Jamal Campbell The groundbreaking sci-fi series approaches its thrilling climax! Since arriving at the City Enduring, Sojourner “Jo” Mullein has confronted an insidious conspiracy of murder and mayhem, but even this most resilient Green Lantern reaches her breaking point when she uncovers an “emotional sweatshop” producing black-market feelings for a world without them. But Jo is only too human… Mature Readers In-Store: 2/2/2021
Future State: Harley Quinn #2
DC Comics
Future State: Harley Quinn #2 €3,95
(W) Stephanie Phillips (A) Simone Di Meo, Toni Infante (CA) Derrick Chew Harley Quinn has gained Jonathan Crane’s trust, everything is going according to plan, and she is getting close to making her escape. But Black Mask and his gang are continuing to undermine the Magistrate and push Crane closer to the edge, where he will become the Scarecrow once more. Will Harley be able to defeat the Scarecrow and stop the Black Mask Gang? If she’s going to secure her freedom and save Gotham’s future, she’ll have to! In-Store: 2/2/2021
Future State: The Next Batman #3
DC Comics
Future State: The Next Batman #3 €6,95
(W) Various (A) Various (CA) Ladronn The adventures of the next Batman continue! Batman has captured a pair of murderous fugitives, but he faces a tough decision: leave them for the Magistrate troops, which means certain death, or risk his life and fight his way through Gotham City to deliver them to the GCPD for trial. He’s Batman...so there’s only one choice! And in “Outsiders,” Katana has reunited with Black Lightning, but her old friend and ally has changed...big-time! Now composed of literal black lightning, Jefferson Pierce arrives with a dire warning about Duke Thomas and his mission to liberate Gotham from the oppression of the Magistrate. They’ll have to work together—and we really mean together—to have any hope of defeating the forces working against them! Plus, in “Arkham Knights,” Astrid Arkham and her band of maniacal misfits have picked a fight with the Magistrate...and they’re not going to back down! On the eve of their mission into the heart of Gotham’s fascist occupiers, Croc, Zsasz, Phosphorus, Clayface, Harvey, and the rest steel themselves to try and shine a beacon of hope into the darkness—but not everyone will make it out alive! In-Store: 2/2/2021
Future State: Superman Of Metropolis #2
DC Comics
Future State: Superman Of Metropolis #2 €4,95
(W) Various (A) Various (CA) John Timms Braincells, the advanced offshoot of the diabolical Brainiac, continues to lure Jonathan Kent down the wrong path—but things go from bad to this can’t get any worse when it appears it has also taken some manner of control over Supergirl! If the Kryptonians clash, nothing will be able to protect the bottled city of Metropolis! Meanwhile, inside the bottle itself, the Guardian is doing everything he can to stop the city from destroying itself from within, while Mister Miracle has discovered the trail of a strange signal that he doesn’t realize will take him to Warworld. In-Store: 2/2/2021
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (2019) #22
Boom! Studios
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (2019) #22 €3,95
Faith arrives in Sunnydale, dividing the Scooby Gang just as Anya's web starts to constrict around them! Giles learns a shocking secret about the Multiverse that threatens anyone who crosses that threshold. In related news, Willow just crossed the threshold. Whoops. Meanwhile, Robin is activated by the Council as a failsafe against rogue Slayers... and Buffy is first on their list.
Midnight #14 - VERY FINE
DC Comics
Midnight #14 - VERY FINE €1,95
Midnighter's hometown has been overrun by a private firm of professional superhero fascists…which sounds like Midnighter's idea of a good time...
Fear Agent Vol. 1 #23
Dark Horse Comics
Fear Agent Vol. 1 #23 €2,95
(W) Rick Remender (A/CA) Tony Moore Shot in the back and lost on a barren desert world, Heath Huston is on the lam, pursued by a pack of killers. Rescued and brought in by a local mining camp, Heath must choose between protecting his new benefactors from a vicious tyrant and the last chance to return to his life on Earth.* "Rick Remender and Tony Moore are leading the way in what I believe will be the next generation of superstar creators." -Ron Richards, ifanboy* "Good sci-fi stories are really lacking in comics today and Fear Agent is one of the best. Grade: A" -Tim Janson, Comic World News In Shops: August 13, 2008
Midnighter #15 - VERY FINE
DC Comics
Midnighter #15 - VERY FINE €1,95
 Midnighter's battles with Anthem comes to a head as he must decide between a past he doesn't remember and the complete annihilation of a town he doesn't even like.
American Vampire 1976 Vol. 1 #5
DC Comics
American Vampire 1976 Vol. 1 #5 €3,95
(W) Scott Snyder (A/CA) Rafael Albuquerque Skinner, Pearl, Book, and the rest of the team are finally united in their mission to stop the Beast from world domination, but the missing key to their success is protected by a council of preeminent ancestral monsters with an axe to grind. These are the progenitors of some of the world’s most iconic folkloric species, and the victims of a broken American promise. Desperate for the council’s assistance, Skinner’s crew becomes a captive audience to their tale of betrayal—but the chilling insight saps all hope of recruiting their help. With only a few days to spare before terror is unleashed, the team must convince the legends that humanity is worth preserving, and that history may still bend toward redemption. Mature Readers In-Store: 2/9/2021
Future State: Dark Detective #3
DC Comics
Future State: Dark Detective #3 €4,95
(W) Various (A) Various (CA) Dan Mora In this issue, Bruce Wayne meets the next Batman! As the dark detective makes his move to put an end to the villainous Magistrate once and for all, the man who once wore the cowl encounters the next Batman—and these two have some questions for each other! Fists will fly as this explosive meeting erupts in the skies over Gotham...but with the clock ticking, can Bruce finish what he started and unlock the secrets of the fascist surveillance that plagues his city? And in “Grifters” part two, the lucky streak that Cole Cash and Luke Fox have enjoyed just hit a brick wall in the form of the Huntress! The over-the-top adventure in the gutters of Gotham City concludes in the most bone-crushing fashion possible! In-Store: 2/9/2021
Future State: Green Lantern #2
DC Comics
Future State: Green Lantern #2 €4,95
(W) Various (A) Various (CA) Clayton Henry Outnumbered but never outwitted or outfought, John Stewart leads the last of the Green Lanterns against insurmountable odds. Facing a bloodthirsty Khund cult dedicated to the “God in Red,” the onetime Green Lantern shows that even without a ring or the Corps to back him up, he’s still a force to be reckoned with! Plus, from the pages of Young Justice, Teen Lantern teams up with Mogo, and Hal Jordan reconnects with Oliver Queen after the power battery goes down! In-Store: 2/9/2021
Future State: Kara Zor-El, Superwoman #2
DC Comics
Future State: Kara Zor-El, Superwoman #2 €3,95
(W) Marguerite Bennett (A) Marguerite Sauvage (CA) Paulina Ganucheau The moon colony built around Superwoman’s Fortress of Solitude is under siege! Shape-shifting aliens have come to this place of peace in search of Lynari, a refugee from their homeworld. It’s a bad move on the part of these intergalactic bad guys: if Kara Zor-El offers you sanctuary, there’s no way she’s going to let anyone get their monstrous hands on you. Let’s just hope this gamble is worth it, because Lynari’s secret—the one that got her in trouble in the first place—could mean bad news for everybody! In-Store: 2/9/2021
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